Geoportti self-assessments

Geoportti self-assessments help you get a quick overview of your current confidence levels in selected geospatial topics by helping you reflect on your strengths and possible weaknesses in the fields that correspond.

Self-assessments are straightforward and simple to perform in only a few minutes. Just go through these four steps:

First, on the research agreement page, either accept or decline the storage of your test results. The answers you provide help universities develop their teaching. Additionally, results can be used in scientific research. Please note that your IP address or any other data identifying you as a person are NOT collected.

Second, please answer some background questions. These data will be stored anonymously with your scorings. If you chose “no” in the first step, this page will not appear.

Third, please self-evaluate your confidence in eight different themes about the chosen topic by selecting the option that best describes your current confidence levels. You are also encouraged to use the text box for comments. Each test presents some hints about things to consider, but you will make your final judgment about how to score your confidence levels.

Fourth, submit the form to get the summary page with your scores and comments. You may choose to compare your own scores against the average scores of other respondents. There is also an option to download the summary page as a .pdf file.

You may also suggest making a new self-assessment about another geospatial topic in the service. For more information, please download the instructions for creating self-assessments: General description and instructions for creating new questionnaires.


This assessment focuses on the theory and geospatial methodology of urban climate research. The topics include understanding the character
Created by: Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku
times taken
This assessment focuses on the basics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) utilization in research. The assessment covers basi
Created by: Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, University of Eastern Finland
times taken
This assessment covers the field of participatory mapping from a general perspective and is particularly oriented for thos
Created by: Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku
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This assessment covers different key elements of laser remote sensing of environment and helps you to identify your current over all confid
Created by: Finnish Geospatial Research Institute & Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku
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Itsearviointi keskittyy paikkatietoalan perusteiden tarkasteluun mukaan lukien sovellukset yhteiskunnassa, aineistot ja niiden rakenteet,
Created by: Maantieteen ja geologian laitos, Turun yliopisto
times taken
This assessment focuses on the basics in geoinformatics including the societal applications, spatial data and its structure, remote sensin
Created by: Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku
times taken
Itsearviointi kattaa laajasti itsenäiseen perustason paikkatietotyöskentelyyn tarvittavat taidot. Näihin lukeutuvat muun muassa paikkat
Created by: Department of Geographical and Historical studies, University of Eastern Finland
times taken
The assessment is focused on the understanding of central elements of modeling, handling and exploiting spatial data, as well as the method
Created by: Department of Built Environment, Aalto University
times taken
This self-assessment focuses on the skills required to use appropriate analysis approaches for different geospatial tasks and describe data
Created by: Department of Built Environment, Aalto University
times taken
This assessment focusses on basic concepts of multispectral satellite imagery. The 8 topics cover basic concepts of multispectral satellit
Created by: Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku
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Tämä on kaukokartoitusmenetelmien hallintaa tarkasteleva itsearviointikysely. Se on luotu alun perin Turun yliopiston ku
Created by: Maantieteen ja geologian laitos, Turun yliopisto
times taken