Research agreement for geoportti self-assessment users

The answers you provide in this test will be used for the development of teaching and for scientific research. Results are also used to calculate average respondent statistics (available on the summary page).

All of your answers will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the principles of research ethics. No respondent can be identified by personal information or computer IP number.

The Geoportti self-assesmnet tool is designed and provided by the Section of Geography of the University of Turku. The general data policy of the university can be found here and the data protection description here. University of Turku can share data with another Finnish university in cases where the self-assessment was created by it. In these cases the data policy of the recipient university is followed.

The self-assessment tool has been developed by the University of Turku as part of the Open Geospatial Information Infrastructure for Research (oGIIR) project with funding by the Academy of Finland (2017-2019).

If you wish to deny the storage of your results, you can still answer the self-assessment without your scores being stored.

Do you accept the storage of your results? yes no