Created by: Kirsi Virrantaus,
Department of Built Environment, Aalto University
This self-assessment focuses on the
skills required to use appropriate
analysis approaches for different geospatial tasks and describe data needs and
suitable methods for the analysis process. These analysis processes include
basic methods of spatio-statistical analysis, geostatistics, map algebra and
geovisual analysis. The ability to discuss the strengths and limitations of the
methods is also included.
In more detail,
the topics include for example:
- Processes
applying statistical analysis methods for spatial point patterns and
multivariate data.
- Kriging
as an example of geostatistics.
- Analysis
processes with map algebra using raster data layers.
- Use
of graph analysis methods.
- Interactive
visual analysis with linked views of thematic maps and multivariate
visualization techniques.
assessment covers the main topics of the GIS-E1060 course of the Department of
Built Environment, Aalto University.
Rate your skills in each of the eight themes
Evaluate your own confidence level in the defined themes using a relative scale from low confidence (1) to high confidence (5). If you are completely unfamiliar with the theme, please select the “Completely unfamiliar” (0) option. In the comments box, you can write your thoughts as to why you selected the specific confidence level.